Don't let someone else's sprint derails yours.
This week, I've been thinking about the idea of the "resolution." As I scroll social media this week, I notice that what is intended to be a celebration of a new year, new beginning, can often times manifest as a collection of ways to show many of us how far behind we already are.
Maybe you're like me, and you promised yourself you were going to change your diet and finally lose some weight this year. And maybe you're also like me, and this year is already a bit of a rat-race and you still haven't started. And maybe, your also like me, and feeling pretty badly about it, especially after a stroll across the social media landscape.
Trust me - if 2021 already has you feeling some kind of way, you are not alone. But, hear me when I say this - this life, this sprint, well, it's yours to run. Measuring ourselves against anyone else and the sprint they are on? Well, that's just flawed logic. We don't start together, we don't have the same obstacles or opportunities, and we don't all have a same finish line.
RUN YOUR OWN RACE girlfriend. Make 2021 the year you finally quit comparing yourself. When you see those ladies who are kicking the crap out of their sprint? Celebrate with them! Be inspired by them! Be proud of them! But for goodness sake, don't let their sprint derail yours.
Let's manifest a fantastic year, and if we collectively believe it, it will be. Let's put our past failures, even if they were yesterday, behind us, and tackle each day with a renewed joy and commitment to living our personal best life, running our sprint, our way.
Give yourself a break today. Take a long bath, snag an extra cup of coffee, or maybe sneak in a nap. You deserve it.
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